The governance of the Diocese of Manchester, like all other dioceses in the Church of England, is overseen at diocesan, deanery and parish level.
Synods, Committees and Parochial Church Councils are all responsible for decisions made at various levels in the diocese.
These pages provide information about the constitution and regulation of these bodies, how they are elected and when they meet.
Elections to Boards, Councils and Committees for Triennium 2022-2024
Following the deadline for submission of voting papers for the Diocesan Boards, Councils and Committees requiring elections, the following nominees have been elected (click the link for full details of the election results):
Bishop's Council
- Laity - Bolton Archdeaconry: Keith Lewis
- Clergy - Manchester Archdeaconry: Andrew Wickens
- Laity - Manchester Archdeaconry: Jeff Dunkerley
- Clergy - Rochdale Archdeaconry: Michael Read
- Clergy - Salford Archdeaconry: Andy Salmon
Full membership of all boards, councils and committees is available on the Diocesan Directory .
Further details can be found in the Boards, Councils and Committees – Functions & Constitution document.