There are three sets of grants available from the diocese for church buildings: Minor Repairs and Improvements Grants, Quick Wins Grants (Net Zero), and Church Building Grants.
Minor Repairs and Improvements Grants
Manchester Diocese has been awarded £244,000 from the Church of England’s Minor Repairs and Improvements (MR&I) Grant Fund.
Applications for projects with costs of up to £10,000 can be submitted by parishes for projects which focus on urgent repairs, including ‘stitch in time’ projects (projects which, if completed now, will save money in the long term). Small scale improvements which are essential to sustaining worship and mission are also eligible.
Please see the eligibility criteria document by clicking this link.
The percentage of the project's costs that can be funded through a Minor Repairs and Improvements grant is allocated according to the parish's level of deprivation according to the Indices of Multiple Deprivation:
Deprivation rank 6,236 to 12,307 – grant @ 50%
Deprivation rank 5,012 to 6,235 – grant @ 60%
Deprivation rank 3,812 to 5,011 – grant @ 70%
Deprivation rank 2,558 to 3,811 – grant @ 80%
Deprivation rank 1 to 2,557 – grant @ 90%
You can find out your parish's deprivation rank here.
Grants are awarded on the understanding that any Faculty applications are subsequently successful and that relevant Faculty permission is awarded before work commences.
Application Process
Applications should be submitted using the online form which can be accessed by clicking this link.
A printable version of the form can be downloaded if you would like to gather your answers in advance.
Information to accompany your application form
Quotations – The committee would like to see two competitive quotes which should be uploaded as part of your online application. If only one quotation is obtained, the parish could give a reason and confirm that the quotation has been approved by the surveyor or architect.
Approval process
Applications will be considered by the Finance and General Purposes Committee if they meet the eligibility criteria.
The committee meets on the following dates and applications must be received at least two weeks before the meeting date to be considered at that meeting:
- Monday 29th April 2024 (for applications received before 15th April 2024)
- Monday 24th June 2024 (for applications received before 10th June 2024)
- Monday 9th September 2024 (for applications received before 26th August 2024)
- Monday 18th November 2024 (for applications received before 4th November 2024)
Successful applicants will be notified shortly after the meeting date.
Quick Wins Grants (Net Zero)
Manchester Diocese has been awarded £68,850 from the Church of England’s Quick Wins Grant to support parishes in delivering small scale NZC works in churches and church halls. Applications for up to £10,000 can be submitted by parishes.
Eligibility criteria have been determined nationally and only the projects from the agreed list can be supported. This includes the following areas:
• Works selected from the Practical Path to Net Zero Carbon for Churches
• LED lighting
• Improving electric connections, to enable electric heating, and
• Temporary heating solutions
The full list of eligible activities is provided in the Quick Wins Grant Fund Eligibility Guide.
Application Process
Applications should be submitted using this form: Quick Wins Grants Application Form
Once complete, the form should be submitted by email to:
Alternatively, you can send a paper copy to:
St John’s House
155-163 The Rock
Approval Process
Applications to the Quick Wins Grant Fund will be considered by members of the Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) with specialist knowledge and expertise.
Church Building Grants
Church Building Grants are allocated by the diocese, to assist parishes with the cost of building repairs.
Parishes can make an application for a grant to assist with meeting the cost of repairs, restoration and security of the church building.
An application cannot normally be made for assistance with re-ordering, decoration, groundwork, boundary walls or organ restoration. The maximum amount that can be allocated for a grant is £20,000.
- Any grant award should have the support of the respective Parish, Deanery, Archdeacon and Deanery Pastoral Committee.
- It is also a requirement that, where necessary, there is professional supervision by a qualified architect.
- An award is granted on the understanding that the Faculty application is subsequently successful.
- There is an expectation that parishes applying for grants should have paid their Share in full. All Grants are awarded conditional on the parish paying its Share in full in the year in which the grant is awarded and that relevant Faculty permission is awarded before work commences.
- For parishes in a newly formed single parish team or benefice with more than one parish church, if you feel that you have met your Share commitment but others in the team or benefice have not, in exceptional circumstances, the diocese may use its discretion to consider an application. This will only apply for the first two years of a pastoral change.
Application Process
Parishes must consult with the appropriate Archdeacon or diocesan officer for legal and technical advice before applying for a grant application. You can download the application form via this link: Church Buildings Grants application form.
Completed applications should be returned to:
Finance Department
St John’s House
155-163 The Rock
Information to accompany your application form
It is important that the correct attachments are sent with your application form:
Accounts - these should be complete audited accounts which clearly show where monies are restricted or designated. There should be an aggregate page with the accounts. Parishes with over £100,000 in their accounts need to have compliant accounts - this will be checked before grants are awarded. Parishes who need advice about their accounts should contact the Finance department.
Quotations – The Grants Panel would like to see two competitive quotes, however if only one quotation is obtained, the parish could give a reason and inform us if the quotation has been approved by your surveyor or architect.
Please read the DAC and Faculty guidance before submitting your application.
DAC and Faculty Information
Parishes must consult with the appropriate Archdeacon or diocesan officer for legal and technical advice before applying for a grant application.
For help on Faculty Applications:
Fr Alan Simpson or Judith Popay
DAC Secretary
Tel: 0161 828 1419
Please see the Church Buildings section of the diocesan website for more information on the Diocesan Advisory Committee for the Care of Churches (DAC) and the Faculty process.