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Support Networks

Page Contents

Deanery Chapter

Women's Chapter

Team Rectors' Network

The College of Healthcare Chaplains

New Wine Leadership Network

Manchester Diocesan Evangelical Fellowship

Society of Catholic Priests

Manchester Estates Network 

Anglican Minority Ethnic Network (AMEN)

Deanery Chapter

Deanery chapter aims to build up the priestly and ministerial life of its members by worshiping and praying together; and by providing a forum for the debate of issues affecting the Church and a place where information can be passed on. The chapter can also provide a valuable climate of sharing and mutual support. For details, contact your Area Dean.

Women's Chapter

An important part of the role of Bishop's Advisor for Women's Ministry is to offer confidential pastoral support to all ordained women in the diocese. Contact Revd Jenni Beaumont.

Team Rectors' Network 

Support and resourcing for Team Rectors in Manchester Diocese. Meeting two or three times a year for lunch and sharing team ministry related challenges and ideas. Contact The Revd Martin Cox.

The College of Healthcare Chaplains

The College of Health Care Chaplains is a professional organisation for chaplains of all faith and belief groups. It is open to all recognised healthcare chaplaincy staff, paid and voluntary, and to those with an interest in chaplaincy. See

New Wine Leadership Network

The New Wine Leadership Network is all about supporting and equipping those with the responsibility of leading their church, to realise our shared vision of 'local churches changing nations'. A national network, locally delivering that vision in a variety of ways. See â€‹New Wine website​

Manchester Diocesan Evangelical Fellowship

Manchester Diocesan Evangelical Fellowship seeks to facilitate prayer, fellowship, encouragement and equipping amongst evangelicals across the diocese. We do this through networking and mutual support and by organising a varied programme of gatherings and training events through the year. For more information and to see upcoming events, please visit Manchester Diocesan Evangelical Fellowship

Society of Catholic Priests

SCP is a friendly and supportive society of women and men serving as priests. Manchester has a local chapter, with a varied programme including a residential chapter, meals together, spiritual input etc. Members are Catholic minded, follow a simple common rule of life, and enjoy fellowship together. Visit Society of Catholic Priests

Manchester Estates Network 

Bringing together lay and ordained ministers from estate and inner-city parishes for support, prayer and information sharing. Visit

Anglican Minority Ethnic Network (AMEN)

Anglican Minority Ethnic Network: AMEN is an independent group promoting the presence and participation of Minority Ethnic Anglicans in all structures of our church in the service of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Visit AMEN website

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