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CMD Grants

Guidelines for CMD grants to clergy and licensed lay workers

The Diocese makes provision for grants, through a personal allocation scheme, to clergy and licensed lay workers to support their continuing ministerial education/development.

How much is the Allocation?

The allocation for 2024 is £240 (£120 in the year of ordination or proportional to the date of arrival in the Diocese). The allocation may be accumulated over a period of two years.

Withdrawals to cover all or part of the cost of a training event or course may be made at any time. At the end of the first year, any unspent money from the allocation will be added to the second year’s allocation.

Allocation - for what?

In brief, the allocation is provided to enable ministers to fund particular training and formational events/courses which will enhance and develop their ministry in the diocese. It is available to go towards the cost of conferences, courses, or training which will enhance ministry.

It is available to help towards the costs of attending recognised Christian Festivals and Pilgrimages and also towards the cost of retreats taken in recognised Retreat Centres.

The allocation can also be used to meet the costs of travel to and from the place where an event or course is being held, (normally the cheapest rail fare for venues outside of the Diocese or mileage at 45p a mile whichever is the cheaper).

It can also be used towards days organised by your Deanery Chapter for ministry development, or towards the cost of organising training as a group.

It may be used towards the cost of library membership at a University or Luther King House but is not available towards the costs of books or other resources.

Inquiries about the eligibility of a course or expense should be made to the Head of Clergy Development, Jonathan Bramwell

Allocation - for whom?

The allocation is available to all licensed parochial Clergy and those with PTO who are active in ministry in the diocese, and also to licensed lay workers, and clergy employed by the diocese in active ministry (Mission Support Priests, Hospital, and University Chaplains).

Those clergy employed as hospital or prison chaplains, but with a licence in this diocese, may also claim the full allocation.

Cathedral clergy have their own CMD Allocation organised through the Cathedral. Clergy who hold a license in more than one diocese can only claim their Allocation in their main diocese.

Allocation - how to access it

Please download and complete the application form and send your completed application with all supporting invoices and receipts by email to the Head of Clergy Development, Jonathan Bramwell who will arrange for payment.

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