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Difference Course

The Difference Course explores how we can continue to follow Jesus in a divided and ever-changing world, finding transformation through everyday encounters.

Navigating our way through a complex world can be challenging. We can encounter divisions in our relationships, in our communities and in our wider systems and structures. There are many who aspire to make a difference, but we are ill-equipped and unsure where to start, or how best to respond to conflict.

Leading practitioners and thinkers have been brought together to create the Difference course. It is here to equip you and help you to cross divides, navigate disagreement and pursue a just and flourishing world – one where everyone’s differences are embraced.

Taking place across five sessions, Difference teaches three habits that have the potential to transform everyday relationships. These are:

  1. Be Curious: Listening to other’s stories and seeing the world through their eyes.
  2. Be Present: Showing up and sticking around, learning to encounter others with authenticity.
  3. Reimagine: Finding hope and opportunity in the places where we long to see change.

Who are the sessions for?

The sessions are designed for both large and small, new and existing church-based groups for online or in person. Each session involves film, Bible study, discussions and interactive exercises.

Find out more about each session

How do I set up a course?

To access the course resources and find out everything you need to know to run the Difference course, please create an account on the Training and Resources Hub.

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