What is the role of a Reader?
- Readers are lay people who have been trained for ministry and licensed by the bishop to preach and teach, to lead worship, and to assist in the pastoral, evangelistic and liturgical work of the Church in the parish or area where they are licensed.
- Readers work in a variety of contexts: parishes, schools, prisons, hospitals, hospices, with children and young people, the elderly, housebound and bereaved, and with those preparing for baptism, confirmation and marriage.
- Readers have a key role in teaching and preaching as well as helping to lead worship.
- Readers have a kind of bridge ministry: a bridge between day-to-day life and the world of the church, a bridge which witnesses the unchanging love of God in a changing world.
- Readers come from a variety of backgrounds and many have paid employment.
- Readers are authorised, licensed by the bishop and recognised nationally, but are not ordained clergy.
Training before licensing lasts for one year and gives practical skills in ministry as well as some understanding of God-talk/theology. Readers are sometimes described as lay theologians.
Praying for our Readers
If you would like to pray for those being licensed as Readers this Summer, you can find a prayer card and list of names here.
Support for Readers
Lay Readers have their own dedicated National Website. To learn more about who Lay Readers are and the important role they play in the life of our churches, click here: Home - Transforming Ministry Magazine
The archdeaconry chaplains would normally be the first point of contact for Readers seeking pastoral support or advice. This does not preclude direct contact with the Warden or Sub-Warden should a Reader have a particular reason for doing so.
Bolton Archdeaconry
Ms Isobel Hinchliffe hinchliffe337@gmail.com 01204 885147
Clergy Chaplain - Vacant
Manchester Archdeaconry
Canon Avril Scott avrilscott78@gmail.com 0161 225 5243
Revd Sarah Fletcher revsarahfletcher@gmail.com 07717 002 472
Rochdale Archdeaconry
Mr David White dbnwhite@sky.com 07932 871902
Revd Jason Powell revjasoncpowell@gmail.com 01706 631050
Salford Archdeaconry
Mrs Sheila Radford radfordsheila26@gmail.com 0161 702 8128
Revd Tracy Marshall revtracymarshall@gmail.com 01942 933272
Warden of Readers
Rt Revd Dr Matthew Porter bishopofbolton@manchester.anglican.org 0161 790 8289
Sub-Warden of Readers
Dr Mike Stuckey mikestuck24@gmail.com 0161 357 0155
Officer for Emeritus Readers
Mr Graham Cooper grahamcooper900@aol.com 0161 872 4140