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Support for Schools

The vision of the Diocese of Manchester has three fundamental principles; growing, nurturing and serving, as we strive every day in our local ministry to be a Church for a Different World.

The Manchester Diocesan Board of Education (MDBE) fully supports this vision through its work with our Church schools, across the diverse landscape of Greater Manchester and Rossendale.


Growing: we grow and cultivate healthy relationships with staff and governors across the family of church schools. We encourage good leadership through providing training and advice in areas such as mental health and wellbeing, admissions, Head Teacher recruitment and development as well as effective management of school buildings. 

Nurturing: The MDBE strives to nurture its relationships with schools, just as God nurtures His relationships with His children. We support our schools in the journeys they have with each of their children, from early years through to sixth form, walking alongside schools during transition points, academic experiences and community events. We work across churches and schools to establish reciprocally beneficial relationships. We communicate with our school leaders, staff, governors and clergy teams, uniting us as we work together to lift up the children and young people in our schools and churches.

Serving: We seek to serve our schools with love, kindness and action, enacting the commandment to ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, and love your neighbour as yourself.’ (Luke 10:27). We work in communion with people, children and families from all faiths and backgrounds, celebrating the diverse landscape of our great city and region and the communities that come together within it. We help to maintain the Christian distinctiveness of the school through the facilitation of training and resourcing in the areas of vision and values, religious education, collective worship and the requirements of SIAMS.

For an overview of the work of the Board of Education please refer to the 2020-21 Annual Review.

See also A Policy for Christian and British Values in Church of England schools

Department of Education team contact details

Collecting information from schools: Privacy Notice

How we use your information 

Personal data relates to a living individual who can be identified from that data. Data for example can be a name, photograph, email address, bank details, posts on social networking websites, medical information, or a computer IP address. Identification can be by the data alone or in conjunction with any other information in the data controllers possession or likely to come into such possession. The processing of personal data is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Download the full Privacy Notice document.

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