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Shift 5 - Commissioning and collaboration

Lay people have callings and vocations, just like clergy. Yet many lay people can feel like second-class Christians who should leave the main tasks of ministry to those they see as more qualified; the ordained, licensed, authorised etc. At the same time, despite how people may view them, many clergy often don’t feel particularly powerful and yearn for more lay leadership, support and involvement.

It is important to remember that baptism in Christ is our primary sacrament through which we are all equal under God. As such, the Church, as the whole people of God, clergy and laity, are a ‘royal priesthood’ (1 Peter 2:9) called out and commissioned as disciples together to participate in God’s mission in the world. All Christians are called, all have a ‘vocation’, and it is vital to develop practices that help to recognise, celebrate and reinforce this. Some churches commission people for ministries and certain roles in the church, but it’s enormously powerful to also commission people for ministries beyond the church, in the contexts of their #MoreThanSunday lives.

Shift 5 Session Plan

Shift 5 Handout


Video with Rick Otto, Children's Officer at the Diocese of Manchester

Download the video here


Video with RIa Delves on Transitions

Download the video here

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