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Shift 6 - Communication and Information

How do people know you’re a Christian? What do you tell people about who you are and what you believe? These same questions should be asked of our church communities; what are we communicating to people outside of our walls? Do they know who we are and what we are all about? Do they know our faith is #MoreThanSunday?

Throughout history, the church has used whatever means necessary to share the good news, and it’s been most successful when using the technology of the time. From scrolls and letters to the printing press, radio and now digital communications. The ways in which we can communicate have expanded in recent years; alongside our notice boards, pew sheets, church magazines, local papers and in-person conversations. We now have social media, text messages, video calling, online meetings and websites to add to the spaces in which we can share our Christian faith.

It can be overwhelming to consider all of these things at once, but it is important that we engage with them where possible to share the Good News. Our communities need to hear about the amazing God we worship and how much he cares about every aspect of their lives.

Shift 6 Session Plan

Shift 6 Handout

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