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Greater Together Manchester

Greater Together Manchester is a joint venture between the Diocese of Manchester and Church Urban Fund (CUF). Greater Together Manchester aims to provide leadership and support for anti-poverty work across Greater Manchester and Rossendale. Greater Together Manchester is part of the Together Network, an England wide initiative (funded by CUF) to enhance and develop the work of communities and to share best practice and experience across the country.

GTM aims to develop a coherency between organisations tackling poverty, building relationships with relevant partners across the private, public, faith and third sectors in order to provide relevant and practical advice and support to projects, encouraging coordination and partnership working.

Our overall aim is to have some kind of network of grassroot, coordinated responses to poverty in every locality, designed to address the specific needs of each community, that can offer practical support, advice, signposting and compassion as well as adapt quickly and efficiently to changing contexts.

About the Together Network

CUF is funding a growing network of Joint Ventures to provide long-term sustainable support for projects working in often difficult circumstances.

The aim is to improve access to resources, make local work more effective, and create a framework for others to respond to the problem of poverty.

Click here to find out more about the Together Network.

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