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An Evening of Music, Spoken Word and Inspiration for the Journey


An Evening of Music, Spoken Word & Inspiration for the Journey


Sacred Trinity Church, Salford and DreamSpace Creative are launching a regular monthly Music and Spoken Word event on the second Sunday of every month. Come along to the launch evening at Sacred Trinity Church on Sunday 12th May at 7:00pm-9:00pm for an exciting evening of music, poetry, spoken word, and inspiration for the journey. Entrance is free with a voluntary contribution to the Kimbilio Congolese Children’s Charity. We look forward to seeing you there for an evening of creativity, community and joy (plus there’s a bar!)

DreamSpace Creative is a project aimed to promote creative expression in all kinds of people, of all ages and backgrounds. Please get in touch if you would like to know more, or to perform in future events. We look forward to hearing from you (

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