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Pause for Thought- Easter Sunday on BBC Radio 2

Pause for Thought originally shared on Easter Sunday on BBC Radio 2 by The Revd Grace Thomas, Canon Missioner at Manchester Cathedral

"Eighteen years ago, Manchester was temporarily transformed as the Easter story was told, acted and sung across the city – it was called the Manchester Passion. A giant cross was carried through the streets and the events of Jesus being arrested and condemned to death was conveyed to a backdrop of some famous Manchester tunes.

"I remember standing in the city centre square, in the darkness, as Jesus’ death was announced. There was a confused few moments of quiet. Was that it? Was that where the story was going to end?

"A few people started to point to the top of the town hall and so I turned to look and, as I did, the words ‘I am the resurrection and I am the life’ rang out Stone Roses style, and light flooded from the roof as the actor playing Jesus stood there triumphantly, luminescent, arms wide, singing with all his might.  It was breath-taking as the thousands of us standing in that square were joined together, bathed in light, hope, glory and joy.

"Today is Easter Sunday. I’ll be cheering the alleluias in at church and many of us will be celebrating - enjoying maybe an Easter egg or two. It’s a time where Christians celebrate how, though Jesus was killed, he rose again, showing us once and for all that darkness will not ever overcome the light.

"In a world that is far from perfect, where wars rage and people starve. Where we miss loved ones and carry pain that sometimes no one else sees or understands. In a world where so much seems to divide, Easter reminds me that we are held together by something far greater than the things that threaten to tear us apart.

"I hope that, today, you are filled with Easter joy, and, of course, plenty of Easter chocolate! But however Easter finds you, I want to leave you with that moment from the Manchester Passion- where a glorious light, and incredible joyful singing, burst through the night sky above, uniting a crowd of strangers and reminding me that even in the darkest moments, light and hope and love will always win the day."



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