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The Gift of Creativity - Thought for the Week from Archdeacon Rachel Mann

The Ven Dr Rachel Mann, Archdeacon of Salford and Bolton, shared this Thought for the Week on BBC Radio Manchester on Sunday, 18th August. She said:

"One of the things I love about our region is that it’s a powerhouse for art, culture and creativity. Its produced some great entertainers, actors, writers, artists and musicians, too many to list here. So, I was chuffed to hear that as part of its year as Greater Manchester Town of Culture, Bolton will have walking tours to celebrate what its calling, ‘Hollywood of the North’. Like so many of our towns, Bolton is hot property when it comes to TV and cinema filming. Indeed, anyone who’s watched the BBC will likely have seen parts of Bolton featured, and that’s before we talk about shows on streaming services.

"Being creative is part of my faith tradition: I believe that as people made in the image of God, we all have the gift of creativity. The God in whom I believe creates humans to be his crowning glory. We are his great work of art.

"At the same time, I know only too well that not all of us are going to grow up to be a Maxine Peake or a Johnny Marr. But if, as I believe, we all carry God’s spark within us, then we too are at our best when being creative. When I was a kid, I was told I couldn’t draw, and it put me off trying for decades. These days I’m never going to be a Lowry or Picasso, but I’ve discovered that I can create and have fun with art and that it brings me pleasure. I’ve enjoyed the thrill of creativity in so many forms, including dressmaking and model making. I don’t have to be brilliant; I just enjoy it.

"I am in awe of the artistic and creative talent in our region, but what matters as much is getting in touch with our own creativity. I find when I do that, I draw closer to God."

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