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Racial Justice

There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3.28

Everyone who considers themselves to be a Christian disciple is open to the breath and the activity of the Holy Spirit, in which there is no division. All are one in Christ. The same Spirit calls us to transcend our differences and to welcome each other in our diversity. In the Diocese of Manchester, we are committed to working together to call out racism where it exists in thought, word and deed.

This page is under review: If you have suggestions for additions to this page, please contact Archdeacon Karen Best, Chair of Diocese of Manchester Race, Inequality and Justice Group.

Suggested resources 

Inclusive Church resources

Churches Together resources

Recommended reading: Ghost Ship by Azariah France-Williams

Church of England Minority Ethnic Mental Health Toolkit

A Million Colours

In 2022, to celebrate Black History Month, the Diocese of Manchester released ‘A Million Colours’ - a music video featuring children from Church of England schools across Greater Manchester.

‘A Million Colours’ was written by singer/songwriter pair Ni-Cola Jackson and Paul Saxon, and through its lyrics, the song conveys the message that everyone is equal before God and people of every colour are significant and loved. It challenges us to use our voices and speak up for people of all races and religions.

The video is part of a wider project called Shades, which aims to champion racial diversity and inclusion within schools in our diocese. The project aims to raise awareness, foster understanding of each other’s differences, and instil dignity and a sense of belonging for all children, young people and adults in our school communities. 



MoSAIC stands for Movement of Supporting Anglicans for an Inclusive Church. This is a movement whichWelcoming - Enabling - Resourcing

‘Who We Are’ - Journeying Together Campaigning for a Church of England where all find dignity and fullness of life. "The strength of the Anglican Church is found in its breadth, comprehensiveness, and inclusion" (Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral 1888) MoSAIC is a movement which campaigns for and models theological breadth, comprehensiveness, and inclusion.

The Revd Liz Rowles is the MoSAIC Convenor for Manchester Diocese. If you are interested in finding out more, then please contact her:


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