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Religious Education

Religious education in voluntary-aided schools is the responsibility of the governing body. Frequently, this follows diocesan advice as outlined in the diocesan syllabus for religious education. However, teachers and headteachers in aided schools must confirm this with the governing body.

Voluntary controlled schools must follow their local authority's agreed syllabus for religious education but may find some parts of the diocesan syllabus useful in doing so.

Collective worship in both voluntary aided and voluntary controlled church schools has to promote and reflect the school's Anglican foundation.

The Diocesan Board of Education runs regular training courses in in Religious Education, Collective Worship, church school self-evaluation and aspects of church school ethos. There are also advisers available to respond to individual school's needs in these areas and to help prepare schools for their SIAMS inspections.

For more information on the RE Syllabus, Christian Distinctiveness and Collective Worship please contact Terry Hart, Assistant Director at or Louise Morley, Assistant Director at



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