MDBE sets the following priorities when deciding on successful projects:
- Schools must be safe.
- Schools must be dry.
- Schools must be warm.
Governing Boards are required to fund 10% of any capital works so MUST ensure such funding is available prior to submission of any bids.
For DFC and other funded projects please complete and return the Voluntary Aided School Building Projects Form to Leona Brooks, Capital Buildings Officer, 07436 139530.
For advice regarding school estate management, please contact Leona Brooks, Capital Buildings Officer.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is my DFC balance?
You will receive a balance 3 times a year, which will be sent to school’s SBMS.
What can I use my DFC for?
Any capital project worth over £2000. For a comprehensive list, see the blue book.
Can I combine different projects to achieve the £2000 criteria?
No, capital projects must be in their entirety, not as part as a multi-scheme project.
When do we receive our new DFC?
Your DFC is granted every year around the end of May. The money arrives with the Diocese around June/ July.
Can I use my DFC for the 10% Governing Board contribution to capital works?
No, you can’t use Government grant money to pay any of the 10% Governing Board contribution to capital works.
When can I bid for DFC?
You can apply for DFC year-round, however there are a few things to consider when deciding when to make an application:
- It is expected for schools to discuss any capital expenditure with their school’s building consultants.
- Around half term and end of term there is usually a high volume of DFC applications, which may cause your application to have longer processing times.
- DFC projects for summer works must be applied for before the 1st July.
- DFC work should not commence onsite until approval is given.
When can I bid for SCA?
Bids are invited for SCA from September. The bid deadline is November. Schools should liaise with their school buildings consultant before this deadline.
Schools must fund 10% of any bid submitted for SCA, in its entirety.
When will I find out if I have been successful in my bid submission?
For DFC projects the turnaround should be between one to two weeks; as above please note that there are certain times of year when there is a higher volume of bids, so the turnaround may take longer.
For SCA bids we aim to inform schools that have been successful within the first half of June. Invoices for 10% of funding will be issued and must be paid BEFORE the school’s finish for the end of Summer Term.
Can I change my consultant?
We do not advocate that a school regularly change their school’s building consultant.
We recommend that a school stay with a consultant for a minimum of 3 years.
However, should the need arise for the school to opt for a change, the diocese can help you in the process of selecting a new school buildings consultant.
Do I need a school buildings consultant?
Yes, the schools building consultant handles all of the schools CDM regulations regarding capital projects. They are there to support and work with the school, to develop the school building into the best it can be, and is sufficient in providing what both the children and staff need in order to educate as seamlessly as possible.
What do I get for my insurance?
Whilst it is illegal for the Diocese to give insurance advice, we can recommend that you discuss your insurance with Ecclesiastical Insurance Group.
Jargon Buster
DFC – The DFC is Devolvement Formula Capital. This is government funding that is allocated to every school. There is a set amount given to each primary and secondary school in the Diocese - this set amount is given no matter what the size of the school. Additionally, they are given a variable amount which is based on the size of the school, measured by the number of pupils in attendance. With this money, the school can finance any assets or capital - anything that adds value to the school over the value of £2000. In VA schools the governors have to find 10% of these costs. In VC schools the LEA has to find the 10%. We as the DBE have an account which money is paid from and to. We then have two separate holding accounts for each account: one that holds the DFC money and one that holds the interest. The DFC account pays for the work done, and the interest account helps pay for the 10% that the governors have to pay for.
SCA - SCA is the Schools Condition Allocation. This money is given to the Diocese from the government. This is money that is bid for by the schools for larger building schemes. The bids are placed in priority order, prioritising the schools which require building works that may prevent the closure of a school. At a minimum, we endeavour for all schools to be warm, dry, and safe.
NGA - This is Non Grant Aided. This is where the schools propose for a project to be started, that is covered by none of the above funding channels. In this case, if the work is to be done then it is up to the governors to find the money.
CMS - CMS is Client monies; it is the system of bank accounts that hold the above funding streams.
VA - Voluntary aided school. This is a school where the employer is the Governing Body.
VC - Voluntary controlled. This is a school where the Local Authority (LA) is the employer.
F&GP - Finance and general purposes. This is one of two subcommittees that report to the Board. This meeting discusses the financial matters of the Board of Education. The second subcommittee is Schools committee. This meeting discusses the governance of our schools.