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Emergency Phone Numbers

Vicarage Emergency

During office hours call the Property Department at St John's House on 0161 828 1400.

You can find advice on crime prevention or if there is a break-in at the vicarage on our website.

In the event of an emergency out of hours, please contact:

Boiler, central heating or gas fire breakdown


Hadfield and Britain Ltd: 0800 038 5020 / 0161 338 3167 (First numbers to call)

Escalation: The landline will patch through to the on-call engineer


Craggs: 01204 695 540 (First number to call)

Escalation: On-call engineer - 07766 518320


Hadfield and Britain Ltd: 0800 038 5020 / 0161 338 3167 (First numbers to call)

Escalation: The landline will patch through to the on-call engineer

Gas leak

British Gas: 0800 111999

Power failure of electrical emergency

Electrical supply failure Norweb: 0800 195 4141

Electrical emergency repairs: Paul Hindle 07850 591415

Electrical emergency repairs: Philip Morrison 07930 888425 or STERLING - 07432 185821

Intruder Alarm malfunction

Use your existing maintenance company. If none retained, call: CIA 2000 on 0161 624 8500 (First number to call which will patch through to a call centre)


Jim Perry - 07786 311 450

Mark Perry - 07590 229 736

Emergency board-up (out of office hours only)

Montrose Glass: 0800 888 6123 (freephone)


Keyfax Manchester Ltd (not 24-hour service)

During office hours: 0161 339 7500

Out of office hours: 0161 339 7500 (same number), if this fails please email for escalation.

Access Locks (24-hour call out): 07730 203005

Plumbing and Drainage

Hadfield and Britain (Domestic plumbing emergencies): 0800 038 5020 or 0161 338 3167

Escalation: The landline will patch through to the on-call engineer

Dyno-Rod Roger Little (blocked drains and domestic plumbing emergencies): 0161 429 7007

Escalation 1: Tia Marsden - 07871314973

Escalation 2: Nigel Wilson - 07557612401

Escalation 3: Gavin Stanhope - 07840440602

Dyno-Rod Craven Services (Rossendale/Lancs blocked drains): 01254 771818 (First number to call)


Director Andy Millar - 07769 542550

Plumbing manager Michael Dempster - 07889 853360

NW Water (Water supply/leakage emergencies): 0800 330033

Roof Leaks and General Emergencies

W & W Building and Planned Maintenance Ltd: 0161 303 8016

Chris Wardle - 07732 439363

Ben Wallwork - 07843 273554

Lee Howarth Roofing - 07810 325033

Break-in, theft, malicious damage

Try to avoid touching anything and contact the police immediately. Follow their instructions and obtain a crime number. If there is damage to external doors and windows the police may advise on getting them boarded up, but contact the Property Department first at the earliest opportunity during office hours. During out-of-office hours, please call Montrose Glass for board up or Keyfax for lock replacement (see above for contact details).

As soon as possible, notify your Archdeacon, and if there is loss or damage to the contents of the property, or to motor vehicles, notify your insurance company.


Ecclesiastical Insurance Group: 01452 528533

All invoices for emergencies should be issued to Manchester Diocesan Board of Finance, Property Department, St. John's House, 155-163 The Rock, Bury, BL9 0ND

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