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Quinquennial Inspections of Parsonage Houses

Parsonages are inspected every five years and when a vacancy is to be filled. A copy of the report is forwarded to the occupant or Sequestrators and a summary report is sent to the Property Committee.

The property department reserves the right to delay or bring forward a Quinquennial Inspection. Houses that are considered unsuitable and on the current list for replacement will not normally qualify for any improvement works.

Clergy are asked to share the contents of the Quinquennial Inspection report with the PCC. Comments are invited on the report, specifications and any improvements that might be considered. If no comments are received in writing within four weeks, the property department will put the work in hand.

The Buildings Officer will try to make a supervisory visit to the site while work is in progress. Problems or concerns should be reported to them, to allow them to relay these to the contractors.

The Buildings Officer has been instructed that when Quinquennial/vacancy works are completed they should, wherever possible, inspect them in the presence of the occupant and the contractor. The responsibility remains with the Buildings Officer to ensure that the schedule of works is completed satisfactorily. The occupant can, however, point out to the Buildings Officer areas of work felt to be subā€standard or incomplete.

In cases of dispute, the Diocesan Surveyor will inspect the disputed work and make a decision. If this is not conclusive, the Diocesan Surveyor will ask members of the Property Committee to visit and come to a decision.

A contractor’s performance report will be issued to the occupant for completion and return to the property department. This will assist the Property Committee in monitoring the work of the contractors etc.

The Inspection

The Repair of Benefice Measure 1972, Chapter 3

In accordance with the above Measure, the diocese is charged with having all parsonages inspected every five years.

The inspection is carried out during office hours by the Buildings Officer, Michael Callaghan along with the occupier.

Following the inspection, all repairs found necessary will be carried out at diocesan expense. However, work may be requested that is considered to be an improvement.

Improvement work is subject to the availability of funds and the Property Committee being satisfied that the works are justified. The Parish/Incumbent will be expected to contribute to the costs of the improvement works.

Any improvement put in hand without prior approval of the Committee will not be funded.

The first concern of the Property Committee is the security, comfort and welfare of those who live in parsonages.

Meaning of Repairs

The Repair of Benefice Measure 1972, Chapter 9

In this Measure, ‘repairs’, in relation to a parsonage house, means such works of repairs and replacements as are needed;

  1. To keep in repair the structure and exterior of the buildings of the parsonage house, including doors, windows, drains, gutters external pipes; and
  2. To keep in repair all walls, fences, gates, drives and drains of the parsonage house, other than those which some person other than the incumbent is wholly liable to repair;
  3. To keep in repair and proper working order-
  1. the installations in the parsonage house for the supply of water, gas and electricity, and for sanitation, including basins, sinks, baths and sanitary conveniences
  2. the installation in the parsonage house for space heating or heating water, and
  3. any fixtures, fittings and appliances in the parsonage house (other than those mentioned in the preceding sub-paragraphs), if they belong to the benefice but not otherwise;

and includes works of interior decoration necessitated as a consequence of such works.

The Repairs

The Contract

On completion of the inspection a verbal report will be given, this will be followed by a letter of confirmation and full Schedule of Works.

The work will be put out to tender as soon as possible after the inspection, the tendering process takes approximately four weeks.

The occupiers are requested to give the contractors full and unfettered access to the property throughout the tendering process and contract period.

Only work authorised on the schedule will be carried out. Should any additional work be found necessary, this must be discussed and authorised by the Property Committee, otherwise payment cannot be settled by the Board of Finance.

You will be informed of who has won the contract, and once again you are asked to give the contractor reasonable assistance. Every effort will be made to ensure the work is carried out satisfactorily, however, should you feel that the Schedule of Works has not been adhered to, please contact the Property Department immediately.

You will be supplied with a Contractors Performance Report. If we are to improve the performance of our contractors, it is essential that these forms are returned once the work has been completed. Submit these forms to the Property Department.

The Diocese of Manchester is strongly committed to providing excellent service to the occupants of its properties in a safe and healthy environment.

To ensure that we achieve this, we insist that contractors are aware of the high standards which we wish to achieve, and agree to adhere to these.

The Code of Practice for Approved Contractors can be accessed at this link.

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