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Retired clergy

Manchester Diocese is blessed by retired clergy who remain active in or around the parishes they have retired to. They do far more than act as a spare pair of hands to lead a Sunday service or take a funeral. It wouldn't be possible to sustain the richness of our life as a church without them.

The Bishop’s Officers for retired clergy and clergy widows/ers work to ensure that retired clergy are kept in touch with diocesan issues, and in order that the diocese may be made aware of and respond to any changes of circumstances, sickness, etc. The RCO Team also seek to offer where appropriate both pastoral and practical support at the start of this new phase of working life and priestly ministry, and, to this end, aim to contact soon to retire (or recently retired) clergy close to the time of their retirement to offer explanation of the various networks and grants available to them.

The Bishop invites all retired clergy to share in the annual Holy Week Renewal of Vows service and to occasional social gatherings at Bishopscourt.  There is also a biennial Eucharist and lunch for retired clergy at the Cathedral.

Retired clergy are encouraged to join the national Retired Clergy Association of the Church of England, with lifetime membership paid for by the diocese on their behalf. CMD allocates educational grants to retired clergy for specific ministerial development courses, etc., and encourages attendance at teaching and other training events.

For further information regarding clergy retirement, please refer to the related pages highlighted below - in particular the page headed Retired Clergy Pastoral Care Guidelines. Here the section on Pre-Retirement Planning is worth looking at as a guide to preparations for retirement.


Retired Clergy Officer

Revd Judith Cooper:

Related pages

Claiming DBF Fees

Church of England pensions

CMD Grants

Retired Clergy Association

Retired clergy pastoral care guidelines

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