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General Support and Financial Resources

General Support

The Church of England – Supporting Good Mental Health
13 daily reflections to support mental health, including a printable booklet and a podcast.

The Church of England - UK Minority Ethnic Mental Health Toolkit
Raising awareness and providing information for Church leaders, Church workers and Chaplains to assist them in gaining a better understanding of issues relevant to UK Minority Ethnic mental health.

St Luke's for Clergy Wellbeing 
A charity that improves clergy wellbeing, including training and family resources.

Anglican Pastoral Care — Counselling for Those in Ministry
Provider of confidential, quality support for those in ministry in the Church of England.

At a Loss – Support for the Bereaved
A signposting website for anyone bereaved and those supporting them.

A full list of general support and wellbeing resources can be found here. Download PDF document.

Financial Support

Manchester Diocese - Clergy CMD Allocation 

The Diocese makes provision for grants, through a personal allocation scheme, to clergy and licensed lay workers to support their continuing ministerial education / development. Information on CMD Grants is available in the Clergy Admin section of this website.

Churches Mutual – Credit Union

A mutual society, savings and loans co-operative owned and controlled by its members.

Ordinands’ Association - Financial Hardship

A list of resources, funds and grants available to Ordinands.

Henry Smith Charity

The purpose of Henry Smith Charity grants is to assist parochial clergy in financial need where this could be detrimental to their ministry. The need may arise from family circumstances (e.g. a family with children and only one income), unusual or emergency expenditure which strains family finances (e.g. illness, disability, expensive car repairs) or simply the need for a family holiday after a period of stress and exhaustion, whether through personal issues or the challenge of ministering in difficult parishes.

There are eligibility criteria which have to be met in order to qualify. Requests should be made via the suffragan bishop or archdeacon.

Maintenance of Ministry Fund

The Maintenance of Ministry Fund is from the Church of England Clergy Stipend Trust for the assistance of parishes in maintaining the ministry of clergy.

The Queen Victoria Clergy Fund

For serving clergy in need (it cannot be used for ordinands or retired clergy, nor for course fees, although it can be used for associated costs). Grant amounts vary but are usually for no more than £1000. 

The fund is administered at the direction of the Archdeacons and Bishops who should email with the name of the clergy person, the amount of the grant and a brief explanation of what the grant is for.

Payments will be made directly to the recipient by BACS transfer.

The Cleaver Ordination Candidates Fund

Supporting Anglican ordinands and clergy who are committed to the traditional catholic understanding of the priesthood and episcopate.

The English Clergy Association – (Successor to the Parochial Clergy Association)

Promoting in every available way the good of English Parish and Cathedral life and the welfare of the Clergy.

Frances Ashton’s Charity

The Frances Ashton Charity provides one off grants to serving or retired clergy of the Church of England and to their widows and widowers in cases where there is an exception or urgent need.

Clergy Support Trust

For serving and retired clergy, also helps clergy spouse and families facing poverty or hardship. Clergy Support Trust exists to provide confidential and focused support to clergy who are facing financial and other challenges, working directly with beneficiaries but also when appropriate in partnership with the Church and other like-minded organisations.

Smallwood Trust

Financial assistance and support for women on low income who are struggling to make ends meet or trying to overcome financial problems. 


A full list of financial support resources can be found here. Download PDF document.

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