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Electoral Roll

The electoral roll is the list of names and addresses of a church's membership.

Every person listed on the roll is eligible to attend the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM). 

The roll is renewed every six years.

2025 is a renewal year and the process is as follows:

  • Two months before the APCM
  • On the two Sundays on or after the date that the above Notice is displayed
    • The person conducting each service must inform the congregation of the preparation of the new roll.
  • 15-28 days before the APCM
    • The new Electoral Roll should be completed in the this period.
  • Two weeks before the APCM
    • Complete Form M1: Notice of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting and display it on the principal door of each church in the parish. This must remain displayed for 14 days including the two Sundays prior to the APCM.
    • Publish the new Electoral Roll (names only). The roll can be published in paper or electronic form. Parishes must also make a copy of the roll available for inspection on a reasonable request being made. Names may not be added to or removed from the roll for 14 days after the publication date except to correct an omission or other error.

You can check the dates that the above actions need to be completed by using our New Electoral Roll Timetable Calculator tool.

Updating the Electoral Roll between renewal years

In years when the roll is not renewed, it is updated with the names of any new members and the names of those who are no longer members are taken off.

Notices of revision should be advertised 5-6 weeks before the APCM. Anyone who is not already a member and wishes to be entered on the roll should fill out an application form. The appropriate changes will then be made. The amended Electoral Roll is then displayed between 15-28 days before the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM). Some parishes have an Electoral Roll Officer who will organise this.

Further information

All forms required for revision and renewal of the Electoral Roll can be found on the Parish Resources website.

Electoral Roll enrolment forms may, if desired, be completed and signed electronically and submitted by email where the parochial church council has provided an email address. If a person provides an email address, communications regarding the renewal or revision of the Electoral Roll may be sent by email to that address.

No one over 18 can be elected to the PCC until they have been Electoral Roll members for six months. People under the age of 18 can be elected to the PCC from their sixteenth birthday.

Full details of the processes summarised above can be found in the Church Representation Rules.

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