Key documents
The most important resources for all involved in Safeguarding is The Church of England Parish Safeguarding Handbook
It aims to further strengthen the Church’s approach to safeguarding by bringing into one place the safeguarding responsibilities for parishes as outlined in the House of Bishops’ Safeguarding Policy and Practice Guidance. It has been designed to support the day-to-day work of all parishes in relation to safeguarding and those who have a key role to play with children, young people and adults who may be vulnerable. The only information which has been updated since the handbook was published is the safeguarding training, please visit the training page for more information.
You can find many useful resources and templates on the Church of England's website, including model forms and policies that you can adapt for your own parishes.
Safer Environment and Activities Guidance (2019) - This document provides parishes with detailed guidance about Promoting a Safer Environment. It is intended to act as a ‘How to…’ guide to help churches meet that commitment in their everyday ministry. It covers topics such as expected standards of behaviour, adult-to-child ratios, parental consent, and risk assessments for activities. It has been produced to give clear guidance to many of the questions that parishes most often ask about keeping people safe in church.
The Code of Safer Working Practice for volunteers and staff can also be found in the Parish Safeguarding Handbook, Section 11: A Safe Environment and Activities, as can guidance on Acceptable Touch.
The Church of England has resources and suggestions for wider reading on their website Resources and campaigns
National News
You can read safeguarding news and views from the National Safeguarding Team here.
National and Local Organisations
Here you can find a range of national and local organisations that offer support to those affected by and impacted by abuse and harm.
For adults concerned about a child, call: 0808 800 5000
The NSPCC website also provides safeguarding resources including advice on recognising grooming and teaching children about healthy relationships. Learn more.
For children and young people, call: 0800 1111
Hourglass 247 Helpline
Supporting older people affected by abuse. Call: 0808 808 8141
National Association for People Abused in Childhood (NAPAC)
Call: 0808 801 0331
Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Line
For anyone (male or female) aged 16+ open 365 days per year, 24 hours per day. Call: 0808 500 2222
Domestic Abuse
For anyone affected by Domestic Abuse, you can call
- 24-hour National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000 247
- go to Women’s Aid at
- or go to Men’s Advice Line at
Stop It Now
If you’re concerned about your thoughts and feelings about children, or if you’re concerned about someone else, then call: 0808 1000 900
The NHS deliver a range of support for anyone who has experienced rape or sexual assault. Find more information here:;
You can find your nearest Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) here: This service is free and confidential.
Other places you can get help include:
- a doctor or practice nurse at your GP surgery
- a voluntary organisation, such as:
- Greater Manchester Rape Crisis:
- Pankhurst Trust:
- We Are Survivors:
- The Survivors Trust:
- a hospital accident and emergency (A&E) department
- a genitourinary medicine (GUM) or sexual health clinic
- a young people's service
- call NHS 111 or get help from 111 online
- the police dial 101
- in an emergency dial 999.
Further Resources
Thirtyone:eight is a Christian organisation, inspired to 'speak out on behalf of the voiceless, and for the rights of all who are vulnerable' as it says in Proverbs 31:8 from where they get their name. You can find a wide range of resources, publications, support and training on their website.
Parish Safeguarding Officers (PSO) National Group
The PSO National Group has created materials and resources which you can download for free. View them at this link.
Safeguarding Virtual Library
The Safeguarding Virtual Library is a digital platform where individuals across the Church can access specific resources to help them in their understanding and practice of safeguarding. Anyone who has done any safeguarding training through the Safeguarding Training Portal should have login details, if you need any assistance please contact