Incumbent of St Thomas’s Moorside and Assistant Curate of the benefice of Heyside, St Mark’s and St Anne’s, Royton with special responsibility for St Mark’s Heyside.
The PCCs and Patrons are looking for a person with vision who is a confident and inspirational team player to lead them in mission and growth. The candidate will also enable a new partnership between the two parishes of St Thomas’ and St Mark’s, for which they would be responsible.
We are looking for someone who will:
- be a person of prayer with a commitment to a church which is growing, nurturing and serving
- be enthusiastic about working with children, young people and families, both in schools and in church
- be committed to a strong Safeguarding culture
- be committed to pastoral care and enabling the pastoral skills of others
- be able to build up our discipleship and have proven skills in encouraging and developing every member ministry
- be able to build, lead and manage effective teams of lay and ordained ministers across both parishes
- be comfortable with a variety of styles of worship, rooted in the Eucharist but keen to try new things
- have experience of developing links with the wider local community
- be able to lead on, or learn about, the maintenance of the fabric of the buildings and the stewardship of parish finances
- be purposeful about helping St Thomas’ and St Mark’s form a new close working relationship
We offer commitment and enthusiasm, both in the PCCs and in the wider congregations, and hope you will join us in sharing the Gospel in our diverse communities. Whilst we at St Mark’s have delighted in our time in partnership with St Anne’s, both St Thomas’s and St Mark’s are looking forward prayerfully to the future together.
Please see the below documents for full details.
- St Thomas Parish Profile
- St Mark Parish Profile
- Role Description
- Person Specification
- Diocesan Statement of Needs
Conversation about the post is welcomed. Please contact The Reverend Daniel Ramble, Area Dean of Oldham and Ashton. Email: Tel: 07471 234493
Please contact Lisa Carberry Paterson at for an application form, or Apply on Pathways
Applications close: 12:00pm on Thursday 10th April
Interviews: the evening of Wednesday 23rd April