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Interim Priest: St Hilda, Prestwich & St Paul, Salford

Interim Priest (Initially for 3 years), St Hilda's, Prestwich and St Paul's, Salford (Paddington)

These two benefices, under the Pastoral and Sacramental care of the Bishop of Beverley, seek an Interim Priest to lead them in mission and evangelism, prayer and service.

St Hilda Prestwich and St Paul’s Salford (Paddington) are two distinct benefices with significant opportunities for mission and service. Both parishes are affiliated with the Society under the patronage of St Wilfred and St Hilda.

The new Interim Priest will work with committed lay teams in both parishes who have a strong desire to see their churches grow in number and in depth. He will have the collegial support of the wider Society Chapter

St Hilda is set in the prosperous suburb of Prestwich, while St Paul’s offers ministry in a more urban and fast-moving setting. Both have strong local and community outreach and church schools keen to work with a new priest. The opportunities for occasional offices are many and there is commitment to social action in both parishes. Both parishes are under the Pastoral and Sacramental care of the Bishop of Beverley.

A recently refurbished parsonage, with work undertaken to reach the national Net Zero obligations, is available for the successful candidate.

While the post is for an initial three years, this may be extended for a further three.

We are looking for an interim priest with the following qualities:

  • A priest who can delegate and who can support lay ministry and encourage new vocations;
  • A priest who is confident with governance and a passion for high-quality missional parish ministry;
  • A good communicator with excellent organisational skills, who is resilient,
  • persistent and able to lead change;
  • A prayerful, warm and considered person who will encourage the congregation to pray both individually and corporately;
  • A priest who would take an active and committed part in Chapter and Deanery structures, as well as a supportive Society Chapter.

Please see the below documents for full details.

Apply on Pathways

Enquirers are welcome to speak informally to the Revd Simon Cook, acting Archdeacon of Salford and Bolton, on 07745 232662 or contact: for further information about this post.

Closing date for applications: Wednesday, 30th April 2025

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