We are encouraging all clergy to access web-based training in the Generosity Learning Hub, which has been created by the National Giving Team. The Hub contains worship materials, a variety of different courses (e.g. Theology of Giving), inspiring stories, and case studies.
The ‘Generosity and thankfulness at your church’ self-assessment toolkit is very helpful online training that will help get your church ready to implement the Giving Strategy. The session is designed to train the facilitators to lead this process, which will enable your church to evaluate where it is, what it’d like to improve, and agree its future goals.
Diocesan training materials will be developed to cover the responsibilities of Parochial Church Council trustees. In the meantime, the following are recommended:
The Charity Commission – Charity fundraising: a guide to trustee duties
Fundraising Regulator – Code of Fundraising Practice and Webinar: Trustee Responsibilities
Chartered Institute of Fundraising – Trustees and fundraising: a practical handbook
The Church of England – Code of Fundraising Practice: a simple guidance document for churches and a Guide for Churches on Vulnerable Persons
There is a training course to assist churches:
Open4Community, provided by Idox, is an external funding search facility which is free for parishes in the Diocese of Manchester to use. It is an excellent tool and all parishes are encouraged to register and use it on a regular basis to gain the maximum benefit.
For details of forthcoming training, please contact Paul Bailey.