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Team Rector, Astley, Tyldesley & Mosley Common Team

Astley, Tyldesley and Mosley Common Benefice comprises three parishes in the Leigh Mission Community. It is set within a mixed suburban population and a large outer estate that offers huge opportunities for mission and evangelism.

The new Team Rector will work with a committed team of lay and ordained colleagues. There is a strong desire for prayerful, inspiring and collaborative leadership, and a priest who has an enthusiasm for the many facets of parish ministry, including schools' work. The benefice seeks leadership in building up the people of God and bringing forward new vocations and ministries.

We are looking for an Incumbent with the following qualities:

  • A deep and sustaining faith, with the abilty to promote new ministry and the confidence to guide and help people grow in faith no matter what their starting point.
  • Able to model and lead on vision and support fresh, innovative mission whilst cherishing our existing community relationships and able to build on them.
  • A collaborative, organised and compassionate priest who is able to delegate and bring out the best in others.
  • An appreciation of the importance of both pastoral care and self-care, and a capacity to work with others with kindness, sensitivity and a sense of humour.
  • A confidence and experience around the challenges of parish ministry, church buildings, and an excitement about schools work.

Please see the Parish Profile, Role Description, Person Specification and Statement of Needs for full details.

Enquirers are welcome to speak to the Ven. Dr Rachel Mann, Archdeacon of Salford and Bolton, on 07834 403195 for further information about this post.

Closing date for applications: 16th December 2024

Interview date: 15th January 2025

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