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Featured Events

Manchester and Salford Whit Walk 2025

Manchester and Salford Whit Walks are returning to the city centre on Bank Holiday Monday, 26th May. This cherished tradition, featuring a procession of clergy and parishioners, brass bands and drums, all representing local churches is a beloved part of our heritage.


Prayer Walk with Bishop Mark and the Transforming Prayer Community

Join us for a prayer walk on Saturday, 22nd March 2025, at Queen's Park, Heywood, in the Deanery of Rochdale. Organised by the Transforming Prayer Community and led by Bishop Mark Davies, this peaceful walk around the park offers an opportunity to enjoy fresh air, socialise, and take time for prayer.


Service of Reflection for those involved in Safeguarding

Please save the date for a Service of Reflection for those involved in Safeguarding.  This service will be held in Manchester Cathedral on Shrove Tuesday, 4th March at 7pm at which there will be the opportunity for Reflection and Anointing. All are welcome to attend. More information will be shared closer to the time.


A Warm Welcome at Manchester Cathedral

We are looking forward to offering Revd Canon Rachel Watts a warm welcome during a special service of Choral Evensong at Manchester Cathedral on Sunday, 15th December. During the service, Canon Phillip Blinkhorn will be admitted to the Order of William Temple in recognition of his dedicated service to our diocese.

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Churchwarden Training

Whether you are a newly elected Churchwarden or have been in the role for longer and would like a refresher, you are invited to come along to this Churchwarden training day on Saturday, 23rd November.

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Service of Remembrance for Lives Cut Short

Each year, a special service at Manchester Cathedral is held to remember people who have died through homicide. It is compiled, led and voiced entirely by people who know at first hand this unique form of bereavement. The heart of the service is an act of memorial. Names are read out and candles lit. 


Giving, Generosity and Thankfulness training day

This training day aims to inspire the development of Giving, Generosity, and Thankfulness as part of the mission of every church across our diverse diocese.


Vocation Support Group

Vocation Support Group meetings run from 7- 9pm and are very informal. The aim is to offer an opportunity to meet with others, some of whom are currently exploring or exercising some form of ministry, and some who are just embarking on this journey of discovery and discernment.

Vocation Support Group

Sight Loss Friendly Church: online sessions

The Torch Trust has released more dates for their informative Zoom sessions to help parishes become more accessible for people with sight loss.

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Creationtide Festival: Rising Tides

A week-long Creationtide festival it taking place in and around Manchester and Hulme from Sunday 22nd to Sunday 29th, September 2024. Rising Tides aims to explore how communities can rise together in the face of the climate crisis and is filled with plenty of different activities suitable for all ages.

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