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Bolton Deanery holds first Lay Leadership Conference

On Saturday, lay leaders from Bolton Deanery gathered for the very first Deanery Lay Leadership Conference. Readers, ALMs, Churchwardens, Children and Youth Leaders, Treasurers and PCC members came together for a morning of worship, fellowship and leadership training. The keynote speaker was Bishop Sophie Jelley, Bishop of Doncaster and National Episcopal Lead for Lay Ministries, who encouraged, inspired and affirmed everyone in their ministry. Bishop Sophie delivered three short talks based on 1 Peter 2 and spoke on the themes of ‘Responding to God’s Call’, ‘Finding your Space’ and ‘Being Built Together’. Our lay leaders then spent time together thinking about how this learning applies to all lay ministries and can be taken forward into local contexts.

Thank you to all those who attended the conference, and special thanks to Bishop Sophie for giving her time and sharing her wisdom.

First published on: 16th October 2024
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