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Clergy Discipline Measure

In 2003 the Church of England amended the law relating to ecclesiastical discipline and introduced a statutory framework and a formal process of clergy discipline for serious misconduct.

A helpful summary with all the relevant legislation guidance and forms can be accessed on the national Church of England website

Prior to November 2022, the Clergy Discipline Commission recommended that dioceses should publicise the imposition of penalties under the Measure by setting up a Clergy Discipline page on the diocese’s website.  The Diocese of Manchester complied with this guidance and below are details of penalties imposed upon its clergy by the disciplinary tribunal or the Diocesan Bishop in those cases where there has been no disciplinary tribunal.

Since November 2022, all penalties are now required to be published on the national Church of England website and can be viewed here.

Penalties imposed by the Diocesan Bishop





John Graham Simmons

(1) Limited prohibition for 3 years
(2) Resignation



Sending sexually inappropriate multi-media messages to an adult experienced as sexual harassment

John Graham Simmons

Limited prohibition for 2 years


Sending inappropriate lewd and sexually suggestive multi-media messages to an adult


Barbara Christopher



Failed to comply with Canon B35 paragraph 3

Never to officiate at a marriage service outside canonical hours


Ian Charles Johnson Gorton

1. Limited prohibition for two years

2. Revocation of licence




Inappropriate use of a messaging service using a false identity and sending a sexual image to a third party


Penalties imposed by the Disciplinary Tribunal: none 
First published on: 25th April 2020
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