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Family Fundraising in Failsworth

Children and families from St John's Church in Failsworth set out on an eight mile walk on a very rainy Sunday morning to raise money for the Friends of St John' Church Appeal. Despite the conditions, the walkers kept their spirits high and raised over £2,200!

The idea of the sponsored walk came from the children as they wanted to raise money for the church appeal that aims to make the church a multipurpose, accessible and social building. Regular attendees of the All Age Service, came to the service, received their blessing and then set out on their long walk in the pouring rain.

The PCC has been successful in securing a £20,000 grant from the Diocese of Manchester but they have still needed to raise money to find the remaining funds. The Revd Aysha St Giles designed an appeal that offers a way for the church to be in the hearts of the people - offering a sense of ownership and belonging for all. Local groups like the Failsworth Walking Group, the Failsworth Community Pop Choir, as well as families and businesses will all be recognised for their support. 

The Revd Aysha St Giles said, "I have been so impressed by our families - how they have been involved and wanted to contribute in this amazing way - that shows their commitment and belonging to our church. It has been lovely to see that the children have used their imagination, feel valued and want to make difference - not just financially but also contributing to our worshipping community."


First published on: 26th September 2024
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