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'Give it a Go' lay development day

On Saturday, St Michael’s, Bamford hosted the first Lay Development ‘Give it a Go’ day, aimed at building confidence and encouraging the work of lay people involved in a variety of roles in church life.

A mixture of workshops, speakers and activities helped participants to explore themes of Welcome and Hospitality, Giving a Reflection and Leading intercessions. Everyone partook in a permission-giving talk and a balloon tower exercise, which turned out to be fiercely competitive, and after a beautiful Remembrance Day reflection led by Angela Sarginson, Kirsten Rutherford facilitated a Gifts Survey exercise which helped everyone think about their passions and gifts. It was encouraging to see ministries and activities confirmed through this activity, along with the potential for new areas of ministry emerging.

After lunch, Ian Banks led two sessions on leading worship and leading a reflection, and the time together ended with a question and answer panel along with a chance to encourage each other as everyone prayed our Diocesan Prayer of Transformation and Hope.

Thank you to Jason, Kirsten and all at St Michael’s Bamford for hosting, and to all those who contributed to the day – to Ian Banks, Sheila Tolley, the Diocesan Lay Development Team and the St Michael’s Refreshment Team who kept everyone well-nourished throughout the day!

First published on: 15th November 2023
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