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Reasons to use Eco Stepping Stones

Eco Stepping Stones

In September this year, the Diocese of Manchester will be launching Eco Stepping Stones. This resource has been co-produced by ordained leaders and laypeople who are committed to responding to the climate crisis.

Eco Stepping Stones is a resource that can add momentum to a movement for change. So, what are some key ways in which it is useful?

  1. It integrates the eco agenda into the existing strategy for mission and growth across the diocese. The strategy has three strands: growing, nurturing, and serving. Eco Stepping Stones honours all three of these strands in the way it lays out steps for change.


  1. It can be used in tandem with other resources that respond to the climate crisis, such as the Energy Footprint Tool (EFT), and Eco Church. Eco Stepping Stones encourages engagement with these resources and explains why it matters to put these new stepping stones in place.


  1. It provides tips on how to develop green fundraising. Green fundraising is the means by which parishes and mission communities can make meaningful changes as part of their eco-mission.  As part of the rollout for the resource, we will be signposting to and offering training on fundraising itself.


  1. It helps to build confidence. Eco Stepping Stones recognises that the simple things that we do day-to-day are of significance and value. It is a tool for people who are trying to do good and would benefit from some guidance on how to take small steps that can make a big difference.


  1. It is digital. Set out in three videos and accompanied by a digital workbook, the resource can be used at home, online, or gathering in your community space together. This helps us to connect with more people who share the same goal.


  1. It aids the synodal commitment to reach Net Zero by 2030. This is a commitment that was first called for at General Synod in 2020, and Eco Stepping Stones contains links and effective steps that you can take to help us to reach Net Zero.


  1. It is an informative tool. Eco Stepping Stones sheds light on things that are going on outside of our own individual contexts, expressed through stories that not only make the change possible but can inspire us to act.

The launch of the Eco Stepping Stones resource is on 16th September at St. John’s House, Bury. Reserve your space here! Following the launch, it will be available for free on the Diocese of Manchester website.

First published on: 16th August 2023
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