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Looking back at 2024

As we look back on some of the highlights of 2024, we are reminded of the unity and faith that define our diocese. From celebrating milestones in ministry and community outreach to embracing new challenges and opportunities, the past year has been a testament to the commitment and dedication of all who contribute to life in the Diocese of Manchester. As we move into 2025, we carry forward the lessons and joy of this year, excited for opportunities to grow, serve, and continue our shared mission. Join us as we reflect on some of the accomplishments we achieved together as a diocese.

Fabric church moves into Ardwick Barracks

In January, members of Fabric Church held their first service in their new home - Ardwick Barracks. A bright, inviting worship space was created for the growing congregation, attracting young professionals and students living and working in the city centre.

Ashes to Go

On Ash Wednesday, to mark the beginning of Lent, clergy from across the diocese stepped out into the streets to offer Ashes to Go. An opportunity to meet people who might not otherwise attend a service, clergy prayed with them and traced the sign of the cross on their foreheads.

Chrism Mass / Renewal of Vows and Blessing of Oils Service

On Holy Monday and Holy Tuesday, clergy and licensed lay leaders from across the diocese gathered together at Manchester Cathedral to share the Eucharist, renew their vows, and bless the sacred oils.


Over Easter, our churches, chaplaincies and schools celebrated the joy of Easter in many wonderful ways, from flower displays and Easter egg hunts to walks and busy services.

Celebrating 30 years of Women Priests

Manchester Cathedral hosted a service to celebrate 30 years since the first ordination of women priests. It was a wonderful opportunity for colleagues and friends to get together to reflect on all that has been achieved over the last 30 years. A collaborative artwork was also unveiled featuring comments and reflections by women priests from around the diocese. During the service this short film was shared, which features some of the first women to be ordained in Manchester, those serving as priests today, and the men who have supported them.

Our Transforming Prayer Community turns one

The Transforming Prayer Community celebrated its first anniversary with a special Evensong service, during which Bishop Mark recommissioned the community for the year ahead.

Whit Walks

Whit Walks, a tradition spanning 200 years, took place across the diocese. Churches came together and processed through streets lined with people who came to show their support, and each procession was a joyful celebration of community.

Archdeacon Visitation Services

Archdeacon Visitation Services were held in churches around the diocese, led by Archdeacon Karen Best and Archdeacon Rachel Mann. These occasions not only hold special legal significance but also offer an opportunity to give thanks for the talents and commitments of our church officers.

Year 6 Leavers' Services

In June, the Diocesan Board of Education hosted the Year 6 Leavers' Celebration Services at Manchester Cathedral. More children took part than ever, with an incredible 5000 children and staff attending eight services over just four days!

Ordination of Deacons, Priests and Readers

18 deacons and 14 priests from across the diocese were ordained, 10 new Readers were admitted, and four were entitled Reader Emeritus. During these services, the cathedral was filled with family, friends and supporters who gathered to celebrate our new Ordinands and Readers.

Installation of Archdeacon Karen Smeeton

Manchester Cathedral hosted a very special Evensong during which the Venerable Karen Smeeton was installed as Archdeacon of Rochdale, five new Honorary Canons and one new Lay Canon were installed, and the Revd Canon Anne Edwards was welcomed as Bishop David's Senior Chaplain.

Prayer Walk

To mark the end of the summer holidays, 40 people met at Debdale Park to participate in a Prayer Walk and Picnic led by Bishop Mark. Organised by the Transforming Prayer Community, there were opportunities to stop along the route and pray for creation, schools, communities and more.

Sing my Soul

We worked with St-Martin-in-the-Fields, London to bring beautifully inspiring music to local churches. A series of choral concerts were led by the talented Sing my Soul Choral Scholars, which will be continuing into 2025.

Investors in People Gold Award

Manchester Diocesan Board of Finance and Board of Education were awarded the Investors in People 'We invest in people' Gold Award, recognising the effective leadership, ongoing support and motivated team based at St John's House.

ALM Commissioning Service

Over 90 Authorised Lay Ministers were authorised and commissioned in 2024, including 40 new ALMs who have just finished their training and 50 ALMs who were re-authorised for ministry. Between them, they represented ten areas of ministry and many were also marking ten years of service!

Black History Month

Our diocese marked Black History Month through various events, stories, and reflections. Manchester Cathedral hosted an event organised by the Caribbean and African Health Network; the Shades Team embarked on their Black History and Faith Schools Tour around Bolton and created a short film entitled 'It's Not Alright' to promote racial justice; the national Church of England featured Archdeacon Karen Best as she shared her experiences of growing up and ordination; and we shared reflections written by members of the Transforming Prayer Community which can be read here.

A Huge Eco Milestone

The number of churches in our diocese to have received Eco Church accreditation hit the 100 mark, which was a huge milestone in our journey to becoming a Net Zero Carbon Diocese by 2030!

Diocesan Synod Gathered for the First Meeting of the New Triennium

We held the first Synod meeting of the new triennium, which was Canon Phillip Blinkhorn's final meeting as Chair of the Diocesan Board of Finance. Canon John Walsh OBE was ratified as his successor, Canon Philip Geldard was elected as Chair of the House of Laity and the Revd Canon Grace Thomas as Chair of the House of Clergy.

Vision for 2030

Our Bishop’s Leadership Team reviewed and agreed upon our priorities for the coming years, helping us achieve our vision of being a worshipping, growing, transforming Christian presence at the heart of every community. This short film features our Bishop's Leadership Team, who shared their thoughts and celebrated the great work already happening in our diocese.

Revd Canon Rachel Watts licensed as the New Director of Vocations

We were delighted to welcome the Revd Canon Rachel Watts to the diocese during a service at Manchester Cathedral, where Bishop David licensed Rachel as the new Director of Vocations. The service also saw Canon Phillip Blinkhorn admitted to the Order of the William Temple, with Bishop David giving thanks for Phillip's contribution to the diocese and recognising his nearly five decades of service.

Christmas and Advent

Parishes, schools and chaplaincies around our diocese celebrated Advent in many ways, including collective worship and nativities, carol concerts, charity collections, fairs, and much more. We also shared a series of video reflections by clergy and laypeople from across our diocese. These reflections, filmed in front of the beautiful Christmas tree at Manchester Cathedral, were designed to capture the spirit and themes of the Christmas season. You can view them here.

At the end of the year, Bishop David shared this message of gratitude:

"I want to take this opportunity to thank all those who contribute to our life as a diocesan family. Tens of thousands of services take place each year, with lay and ordained, paid and voluntary leaders. Much of our worship is enriched by the contributions of choirs and musicians, and supported by, among others, churchwardens, sidespersons, flower arrangers, and communion assistants.

"Meanwhile, Parish Safeguarding Officers play an ever more central role in all our work. Governors, teachers and others enable 60,000 children to benefit from an education at one of our highly popular church schools. Our chaplains offer care to those in hospitals and prisons, to passengers travelling through our major airport, at sports facilities, and in many educational establishments. Many more are involved in social projects, serving their neighbours and parishioners. Less visible, but no less vital, is the support offered to all this work via the staff of our Board of Education and Board of Finance.

"Last year, as every year, has brought its challenges, both anticipated and unexpected. Thank you for enabling us to negotiate them. And thank you also for the many opportunities for mission and ministry that have been taken, the new ventures in worship, study and care begun, injustices challenged, carbon footprints lightened and, not least, the many lives newly committed to Jesus Christ.

"Thank you, and may God bless you in the year forthcoming."

First published on: 7th January 2025
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