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'Love Your School' to Strengthen Parish-School Partnerships in Bolton

One of the main aims of the Places Project is to encourage and support the growth of strong partnerships between parishes and schools. These partnerships enable the development of discipleship pathways for children, young people and their families. ‘Love Your School’ is a new initiative for building momentum in the ministry that has been taking place in Bolton Deanery between parishes and schools for many years.

Following a conversation with Revd Simon Cook, Area Dean of Bolton Deanery, about the legacy the team would love to leave in Bolton and the opportunity to work with the ‘Passion for Bolton’ ecumenical group of churches, the idea for ‘Love Your School’ was born. The initiative was recently launched with a training and prayer evening led by the Places Project team and Rick Otto, Diocesan Children’s Officer, attended by over 60 church, school and diocesan representatives, which aimed to inspire and equip everyone to dream up new ways to love their local schools. A focused ‘Love Your School’ week is also planned for 10th – 14th March, in the run-up to Easter.

During the evening, we heard from Matthew Harding, a Christian Headteacher and member of St Peter’s, Halliwell about the significant value of a strong parish and school relationship and the benefits for both school and parish communities. Time was spent in structured group activities, equipping people to move forward with their plans to grow their parish and school relationships. Clergy, their teams, and school staff shared their learning and experiences, exploring new possibilities for future collaboration. A Padlet ‘Love Your School’ resource further aided planning and the evening concluded with a time of prayer for churches and schools.

There has been such an encouraging response following the training and prayer evening, with plans for ‘Love Your School’ week well underway across the deanery! Revd Vivien Masters and the wonderful team at St James, Breightmet decided to celebrate early and have already been to their local primary school, Red Lane School, to deliver a large hamper of goodies, a chocolate cake and encouragement cards to the hardworking staff team! Revd Hannah Lane, Canon Jill Pilling (CEO Archbishop Temple MAT) and the team at Bolton Parish Church and St Philip’s have also planned an exciting series of ‘Love Your School’ activities to be held at Bolton Parish Church in the lead-up to Easter. Year 3 and 4 classes from six CE Primary schools will be invited to visit Christian values-based stations around the church, adding stickers to a Values Passport as they explore each value.

We look forward to many more exciting ‘Love your School’ partnerships and activities in the coming months. Our Bolton parishes are leading the way with their love and creativity, which will positively impact children, young people and adults within their local school communities.

First published on: 12th February 2025
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