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Suicide First Aid training courses

Trigger Warning: Suicide

As many of you will know, this week is Mental Health Awareness Week, which encourages us to prioritise the mental health and wellbeing of ourselves and others. Talking and listening, particularly when we are feeling low, is incredibly valuable and can make all the difference when facing difficult situations that might impact our mental health.

The Education Department at Manchester Diocese has been promoting and delivering training on mental health and wellbeing for many years in our church and school communities. At the beginning of this year, the department increased its support by introducing three new training courses to help learners understand that suicide is preventable and to equip people with basic skills to help someone who might be experiencing thoughts of suicide. The courses are:

Suicide First Aid Lite (SFA Lite)

Suicide First Aid: Understanding Suicide Intervention (SFA USI)

Suicide First Aid: Children and Young People (SFA CYP)

Recent research indicates that only 45% of us feel comfortable talking about this topic, but teaching people how to have safe intervention conversations with someone feeling suicidal is hugely important - it can have the power to save a life.

The Education Department will be delivering the SFA Lite and SFA USI courses this term. For more information on the dates and venues for these courses, please scan the QR codes below.

If you would like more information or are interested in hosting one of these courses in your parish or school, please contact Susie Mapledoram at Alternatively, phone 07967 657587.


First published on: 16th May 2024
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