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Synod Meets to Discuss Racial Justice, Parish Giving Scheme & Missional Leaders

On Saturday, 15th March, Diocesan Synod met at St John's House to discuss racial justice, parish share, the Parish Giving Scheme and Growing Missional Leaders. The opening worship, focusing on racial justice and the importance of taking personal responsibility for tackling racism, was led by the Year 5 and 6 Shades Ambassadors from St James’s CE Primary School, Bolton.


Opening Address 

In his opening address, Bishop David reflected on how, through our work together in Synod and beyond, we need to focus on ensuring that the Lord is known and loved across every part of our diocese, rather than on how our work can promote the views of people like ourselves. He explained that the Manchester way in both society and church is to value difference and diversity for the strengths they bring – an inclusive, purposeful, loving pragmatism. Whilst we cannot always change what is bad, we can at least always model what is good. Read his speech in full here

Parish Share

The meeting opened with an update on Parish Share received in 2024. Following the Discussion and Agreement process, 95% of parishes gave the full amount of Parish Share agreed, although the total amount - £5,694k - has fallen by £107k compared with 2023. The D&A meetings were well received by parishes and have resulted in a greater understanding of the financial health of each parish. Without the D&A meetings, it is likely that there would have been a greater reduction in Parish Share given in 2024.

Parish Giving Scheme

There was a presentation on the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS), which is now being introduced to Manchester Diocese. Once the parish has signed up, regular givers can set up a Direct Debit with PGS, which is also collects the Gift Aid on the donations on behalf of the parish. A unique feature of PGS is the option for the giver to commit to increasing their giving annually in line with inflation.

Update on Our Emerging Strategy

Synod was updated on progress with developing the diocese’s strategy based on the four key themes of Growing Younger, Church Planting and Revitalisation, Developing Missional Leaders and Parish Renewal. Bishop Mark thanked those attending the recent briefings at the deanery synods which had shown wide support for the proposals. More detailed plans for the strategy are currently being developed, taking into account feedback received so far. These will be shared at the next Synod meeting in June.

Growing Missional Leaders

The diocese’s new Director of Mission and Ministry, the Revd Phil Cansdale, spoke about Growing Missional Leaders and how a diocesan Rhythm of Life could support leaders and churches across the diocese, as has already been done by other dioceses across the Church of England. The Diocesan Prayer Community will now work with others to develop next steps.

Racial Justice Bid

Archdeacon Karen Best updated Synod on the diocese’s successful bid to the Racial Justice Unit for £1.1m to fund a racial justice programme for the diocese for: the roll-out of the Shades diversity and anti-racism programme for young people in our schools and parishes; direct support for our Global Majority Heritage congregations; development and training for our clergy and lay leaders to promote diversity and inclusion, and combat racism; and for the provision of small grants for parish initiatives. A Racial Justice Lead is also being appointed to support the programme and build on other creative approaches to promoting racial justice that are underway across the diocese.

General Synod

Abby Ogier and James Wilson, our General Synod reps, fed back from the February General Synod meeting, drawing particular attention to the discussions and decisions on Safeguarding.

Date of next meeting 

The next Synod Meeting will take place on Saturday, 7th June, 2025.

First published on: 20th March 2025
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