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Wiggle Worship in schools and nurseries

WOW! We are so excited about the opportunities that God continues to provide for Wiggle Worship (WW) in our schools and nurseries across Bolton and with families at home. Last term prior to the third lockdown, our church schools very graciously allowed the Children Changing Places team to continue to go in and deliver WW to nursery, reception and year one class bubbles. If a class bubble has to self-isolate at all, WW mini videos are sent in to schools who share them with their children and families at home to encourage them in their worship. The feedback has been so encouraging! This came back from one Early Year's lead in school:  

“The sessions are very interactive for the children with songs, stories and creative art activities. This is a great way to engage the children and learn key messages from the Bible. It is a wonderful opportunity to build positive relationships with the church and school.”

And from another school:

“The children are really enjoying the worship each week. In school, they give a huge cheer when I tell them that it is a Wiggle day and the response from the children at home has been really positive as well. Thank you for bringing a smile to their (and my) face each week.”

Wiggle Worship continues to have a prominent online presence too, creating further opportunities for families to worship at home through weekly WW Play and Pray cards. These are shared on Twitter every Wednesday and again, schools and churches are sharing them with their families and communities as people continue to worship at home together in these challenging times. They offer a simple activity (play), Bible thought or story and a short prayer, with a link to a song video too. All to share in together in the comfort of home.

We are certainly not where we thought we would be with Wiggle Worship 12 months ago but actually, we are in a place that is even more exciting than we could have ever hoped for or imagined! Isn’t that just like God though? He does immeasurably more….and continues to be very much at work in us and around us. He still provides opportunities and possibilities despite the pandemic and its constantly changing parameters. In all of this He is the one constant - the same yesterday, today and forever.

More on the Children Changing Places Project

First published on: 4th February 2021
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