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The Revd Canon Marcia Wall - Notice of Appointment

The Revd Canon Marcia Wall has accepted my invitation to become a Canon Emeritus following her last day in retirement 1st October 2023.

The Revd Canon David Wyatt - Notice of Retirement

The Revd Canon David Wyatt - Notice of Retirement

The Revd Canon Jo McKee - Notice of Appointment

The Revd Canon Jo McKee has accepted my invitation to become a Canon Emeritus following her last day in office 29th October 2023.

The Revd Martin Cox - Notice of Appointment

The Revd Martin Cox, Team Rector at Astley, Tyldesley and Mossley Common Benefice, has been appointed Rector of Newchurch and Croft, and Priest in Charge of Winwick in the Diocese of Liverpool.

The Revd Paul Sanderson - Notice of Appointment

The Revd Paul Sanderson has been appointed Assistant Curate, known as Associate Priest in the Kirklees Valley Benefice.

The Revd Annie McMullen - Notice of Appointment

The Revd Annie McMullen has been appointed Healthcare Chaplain at Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust, this appointment will take effect on 7th October 2023.

The Revd Nicholas Campbell - Notice of Appointment

The Revd Nicholas Campbell has been appointed Healthcare Chaplain at the Northern Care Alliance Salford.

The Revd Anne Pilkington - Notice of Retirement

The Revd Anne Pilkington retired as Incumbent of West Didsbury, Christ Church and Withington Benefice.

The Revd Dr Mark Roper - Notice of Appointment

The Revd Dr Mark Roper, Curate at Holy Trinity, Brompton, has been appointed to the 12-month interim post of Assistant Curate at St Luke's, Longsight.

The Revd Nakita Ainsworth - Notice of Appointment

The Revd Nakita Ainsworth, Curate at Holy Trinity, Brompton, has been appointed to the 12-month interim post of Assistant Curate at St Luke's, Longsight.

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