Ordination of twenty-one priests in Manchester Diocese
First published on: 3rd July 2023Following a busy weekend of ordinations, the diocese has been blessed with 21 new priests.
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Following a busy weekend of ordinations, the diocese has been blessed with 21 new priests.
This weekend, services of joyful celebration have been taking place at Manchester Cathedral.
On Sunday 25th June, Bishop Matthew was welcomed to the diocese during a special Evensong service at Manchester Cathedral.
Bishop Charles has had a busy weekend of activities including Diocesan Synod, afternoon tea at St James and St Edmund's, Moss Side and leading the sermon at Manchester Cathedral.
To mark the 75th anniversary of the arrival of Empire Windrush, the Bishop of Manchester has invited The Rt Revd Charles Davidson, Bishop of Guyana, to visit Manchester Diocese.
The Diocese of Manchester is planting a new church in the centre of the city to work particularly with students and young people.
The Foundations for Ministry course drew to a close with a fabulous celebration service at the Church of the Resurrection and St Barnabas, Eastland’s.
Graham Lord, Captain of the Bells and his team of bellringers at St Paul’s, Ramsbottom will Ring for the King from 10am to 10.30am on Saturday morning.
On Thursday, April 20, Greater Manchester civic leaders and members of the faith community met with Pope Francis at The Vatican, to pledge a commitment to tackling climate change.
Bishop David shares his hopes for the trip.