Man Dio Growing Faith Deanery Hubs
In the coming weeks, the Man Dio Growing Faith team will be holding the next series of Deanery Hubs, looking at the theme of ‘Next Steps, New Things’.
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In the coming weeks, the Man Dio Growing Faith team will be holding the next series of Deanery Hubs, looking at the theme of ‘Next Steps, New Things’.
Data Developments, a financial software provider to churches, has organised a series of free Treasurer and Gift Aid training courses.
Come and join us for an interactive session full of practical ideas to help you reduce your carbon footprint!
Come along to these fabulous services! Great Sacred Music followed by Choral Evensong with aspiring professional singers.
‘Dying to Talk’ is a series of talks convened by Revd Anne Gilbert, Manchester Diocese and Rochdale Deanery with the aim of facilitating discussions around dying, bereavement, and the practicalities around death.
Churches from our diocese have so far received £34,408 thanks to their supporters using the website Are you promoting this fundraising tool to your community?
These upcoming CMD days will focus on the issue of making our church younger. How do we best go about this? What is effective in encouraging children, young people and families to develop their faith?
To honour this significant anniversary and the impact of women’s ministry over three decades in the diocese, an evening Eucharist will take place at 7.30 pm on Thursday, 2nd May at Manchester Cathedral.
The Diocese of Manchester’s Giving, Generosity, and Thankfulness Team, along with the Church of England’s National Giving Team and Parish Buying Team are putting on a range of online training events over the coming months.
If you’ve been considering your future and would like to make a difference to the people and causes you care about, please join us at Manchester Cathedral for this effective estate planning event.