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Spring funding boost for St Peter’s, Leigh

First published on: 3rd May 2023

A £10,000 National Churches Trust Grant will help to pay for much needed community facilities for Grade II* Listed St Peter’s church in Westleigh, Leigh.

Saddleworth Street Pastors celebrate commissioning service

First published on: 2nd May 2023

On Thursday 27th April, Street Pastors from Saddleworth, Preston and Stalybridge were commissioned at a special service at Uppermill Methodist Church.

Manchester to Rome: Visit to the Vatican

First published on: 28th April 2023

On Thursday, April 20, Greater Manchester civic leaders and members of the faith community met with Pope Francis at The Vatican, to pledge a commitment to tackling climate change.

Local Scout leaders receive prestigious award at Windsor Castle

First published on: 24th April 2023

Congratulations to Keith Lofthouse, Janice and David Butterworth!

GM leaders commit to climate pledge ahead of meeting with Pope Francis

First published on: 18th April 2023

Bishop David shares his hopes for the trip.

Churches are urged to take steps to prevent metal theft

First published on: 18th April 2023

Following a spate of thefts of silverware from vestries and lead from roofs, churches are asked to take additional precautions.  

Bishop Mark Ashcroft retirement gift

First published on: 18th April 2023

We were delighted to see that Bishop Mark Ashcroft is enjoying his retirement gift from the diocese.

Last chance to register for the Manchester & Salford Ecumenical 2023 Whit Walk!

First published on: 18th April 2023

The Whit Walk is on Bank Holiday Monday 29th May - registration forms must be completed by Friday 21st April.

Dying to Talk: A unique course to support those facing the death of a loved one

First published on: 17th April 2023

Often, we avoid talking about the emotional, spiritual, and practical aspects of the death of a loved one. Yet this makes it all the more difficult when faced with their passing.

Maundy Money received by Margaret of St. Margaret's Church, Whalley Range!

First published on: 13th April 2023

Recognising a lifetime of service to St. Margaret's Church, Whalley Range, their school and the local community. 

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