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Rebuilding St Luke’s tower clock

First published on: 29th November 2023

In spring 2022, just a few weeks before work began on repointing and waterproofing the church tower at St Luke’s, Heywood, the clock on the tower was damaged by strong winds.

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Christ Church with St John's 'Living Room'

First published on: 27th November 2023

Last year, along with Trinity Baptist Church, Bacup and the ABD Community Centre, Christ Church with St John responded to the energy price increase and cost of living crisis by providing a Warm Space in Bacup.


A joyful celebration for Children Changing Places Project

First published on: 23rd November 2023

On Sunday, hundreds gathered at Bolton Parish Church for a joyous service of singing, dancing, and prayer to celebrate five years of the Children Changing Places Project.


Focal leaders: Revd Derek Allen's story

First published on: 23rd November 2023

Revd Derek Allen has been serving in Rossendale for around thirty years.

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Remembering War - Making Peace: A school and church collaboration in Westleigh 

First published on: 20th November 2023

Sandra Morris, Man Dio Growing Faith Deanery Worker explains more about this special event.


'Give it a Go' lay development day

First published on: 15th November 2023

On Saturday 11th November St Michael’s Bamford hosted the first Lay Development ‘Give it a Go’ day aimed at building confidence and encouraging the work of lay people involved in a variety of roles in church life.

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Digital giving this Advent

First published on: 15th November 2023

As we’re looking ahead to Advent and services get busier, now is a great time to consider how you can optimise digital giving in your church.


Ordination of ‘Our Dave’ strengthens diocesan link

First published on: 13th November 2023

On 5th November, we celebrated the ordination of four new priests and one deacon in our link diocese of Lahore in Pakistan. Among them was Revd Dave Mackie, who has been working with the church in Pakistan for the last eight years.

Revd Dave Mackie

New youth service in Shaw, Crompton and Thornham launched

First published on: 9th November 2023

In Oldham & Ashton Deanery, the Shaw, Crompton and Thornham Mission Community has started a new youth service where young people from its churches can come together and worship in a way that is accessible to them.

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Permanent home secured for Fabric Church

First published on: 9th November 2023

The permanent location for Fabric Church will be Ardwick Barracks, a large iconic building just one mile south-east of the city centre. Priority work is now underway to prepare an area of the premises for worship by January 2024.

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